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Mercredi 22 septembre 2021
Session 1 (présidence : Nabil Hathout)
14:00 : Milena Belosevic, Sabine Arndt-Lappe
[Slides] Merci-Jens and Lösch-Leyen. The Semantics of Personal Name Compounds in German
14:30 : Matteo Pellegrini, Eleonora Litta, Marco Passarotti, Francesco Mambrini, Giovanni Moretti
Including the Word Formation Latin Resource in the LiLa Knowledge Base
15:00 : M. Silvia Micheli
An extensive analysis of blends in Contemporary Italian
15:30 : PAUSE
Session 2 (présidence : Florence Villoing)
16:00 : Marine Wauquier, Olivier Bonami
[Slides] Social gender and derivational morphology: a distributional study of the gendered import of learned morphology in French
16:30 : Marcel Schlechtweg, Greville Corbett
When the s remains an s: Further explorations in the acoustics of the English plural suffix
17:00 : Nabil Hathout, Fiammetta Namer
[Slides] Derivational paradigmatic models put to test on some non-canonical phenomena
Jeudi 23 septembre 2021
Conférence invitée
09:00 : Jenny Audring
[Slides] Gestalts, impostors and semi-affixes: Boundary issues between phonology and morphology
Session 3 (présidence : Fabio Montermini)
10:00 : Borja Herce
Stress and stem allomorphy in the Romance perfectum: emergence, typology, and motivations of a symbiotic relation
10:30 : PAUSE
Session 4 (présidence : Juliette Thuilier)
11:00 : Sebastian Fedden, Matías Guzmán Naranjo, Greville Corbett
[Slides] Typological richness of the German gender system revealed by data mining
11:30 : Alice Missud, Florence Villoing
[Slides] What French eventive nominalizations without verbal bases tell usabout the salience of paradigmatic networks
12:00 : Natalia Bobkova, Fabio Montermini
[Slides] Quantitative approaches to suffixal rivalry in denominal adjective formation in Russian
12:30 : Laurence Labrune
[Slides] Featural Linking Elements
Session 5 (présidence : Berthold Crysmann)
14:00 : Tim Zingler
[Slides] A diachronic approach to the formal anomalies of indexes
14:30 : Noah Diewald
[Slides] Wao Terero lexical suffixes: Bridging the lexicon and discourse
15:00 : Peter Arkadiev
[Slides] Between noun incorporation and “lexical affixation” in Abaza
15:30 : PAUSE
Session 6 (présidence : Gilles Boyé)
16:00 : Benjamin Macaulay
Prosody-morphology interactions in Mantauran Rukai
16:30 : Irina Burukina
[Handout] Two ways to nominalize in Kaqchikel
17:00 : Berthold Crysmann
Positional competition in Murrinh-Patha by rule composition
Vendredi 24 septembre 2021
Session 7 (présidence : Richard Huyghe)
09:00 : Sabrina Piccinin, Serena Dal Maso
The contribution of morphological skills to L2 reading comprehension
09:30 : Martina Penke
Regular and irregular noun plurals in German individuals with Down syndrome
10:00 : Despina Stefanou, Madeleine Voga, Hélène Giraudo
[Slides] Exploring morphological connexions within the mental lexicon: evidence from speakers from diverse educational backgrounds
10:30 : PAUSE
Session 8 (présidence : Jenny Audring)
11:00 : Maria Copot, Olivier Bonami
[Slides] Spare us the surprise: the interplay of paradigmatic predictability and frequency
11:30 : Alizée Lombard, Marine Wauquier, Cécile Fabre, Nabil Hathout, Mai Ho-Dac, Richard Huyghe
[Slides] Evaluating morphosemantic demotivation through experimental and distributional methods
12:00 : Gauvain Schalchli
[Slides] Measuring morphological productivity from frequency lists: the Median Threshold Hypothesis
12:30 : Erich Round, Sacha Beniamine, Louise Esher
[Slides] The role of attraction-repulsion dynamics in simulating the emergence of inflectional class systems
Session 9 (présidence : Olivier Bonami)
14:00 : Xavier Bach
Explaining patterns of suppletion in ordinal numerals
14:30 : Gilles Boyé
[Slides] ALLER et MOURIR oddities in French conjugation: il a été au spectacle à pied, il a mouru d’ennui du début à la fin
15:00 : Livio Gaeta
[Slides] At the core of morphological autonomy: inflemuctional classes as a residue, ballast, or resource?
15:30 : PAUSE
Session 10 (présidence : Livio Gaeta)
16:00 : Franck Floricic
[Handout] ‘Less than Zero’: the Case of (Italo-)Romance Vocatives and Imperatives
16:30 : Clemens Poppe
Lexical strata in Japanese and Korean and the notion of lexeme
17:00 : Yui Suzuki
A constructionist approach to the distinction between reduplication and repetition: A case study of Turkish